Style & Leisure

With this section, we introduce a side of staff and student lives that we don’t usually get the chance to catch at school. This page pushes forward the concept of personality and relaxation. It’ll highlight when hard work is met with equal recreation!

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March Break Activities

The March Break is here and with it comes a lot of fun activities to do with your friends and family. March Break allows us to recharge ourselves from the dreariness of winter and offers a chance to spend time with the people who mean most to us. There are many activities to do within… Continue reading March Break Activities

Staff Musical Taste

“Without music, Life would be a mistake” – Fredrich Nietzche.  I think for many of us, music has the ability to transform our mood.  It can bring about many different emotions and match many different feelings. Music can cause distant memories to come flooding back and I’m sure we all have that one song that… Continue reading Staff Musical Taste